
The Time to Win Infographic - The State of Speed

How do consumers perceive business responsiveness today?

#1 - The State of Speed

Consumers expect business to be as fast (or faster) than before the pandemic, and young consumers and men are the least patient about getting back to business.

#2 - No More “Pandemic Pass”

The Time to Win data showcases the unmistakeable relationship between responsiveness and revenue.

#3 - Speed Impacts Revenue

The Time to Win data illustrates that not only does responsiveness create short-term revenue gains, but long-term customer churn reduction advantages, as well.

#4 - Speed Impacts Loyalty

#5 - Speed Impacts Emotions

One of the major reasons that responsiveness has such a major impact on revenue is that buying faster (or slower) than customers expect triggers powerful emotional feelings within those customers.

#6 - Speed Is ALWAYS Key

Of course, consumers are most concerned about responsiveness when they have an active problem or concern. But, The Time to Win research shows that speed is important to customers throughout the totality of the customer journey. This makes responsiveness a key factor in customer retention too, not just customer acquisition.

#7 - Which Generation is Least Patient? (surprising)!

You might expect younger consumers to have the least patience. After all, they grew up in a right-now world, with texting and constant smartphone companions.

In fact, however, the opposite is true. Generation Z is the MOST patient generation, while Baby Boomers are the least patient, in terms of how fast they expect businesses to reply.

You may think your business is responsive today. But The Time to Win research shows that perhaps your customers expect and anticipate even more rapidity, especially with email, phone, and text message interactions.

#8 - How Fast is Fast Enough?